
Yoga and the spine


“A person's true age is appreciated by the flexibility of their spine”. In this training you will learn the main affectations of the spine and from yoga you will be able to perform specialized practices to these problems. It has a duration of 72 hours, has endorsement from the International Association of Yoga & Yoghismo and Yoga Alliance. It is designed multilevel and can assist students with and without experience in Yoga.


Workshop 1 “Anatomy and physiology of the spine”
  1. Anatomy and physiology of the spine.
  2. To know the integration of the spine and its relationship with the upper and lower limbs.
  3. The joints and their structure.
  4. Changes of the spine in relation to age.
Workshop 2 “The main sedentary lifestyle causes body deterioration”
  1. Yoga and its effects at the corporal level.
  2. Each movement has a conscious sense.
  3. Sedentary lifestyle vs. the culture of physical discipline.
  4. Medications to not feel.
Workshop 3 “The most common pains of the back, knees, hips”
  1. Most common conditions that affect the spine.
  2. Physiotherapy and alternative therapies to improve the back pain.
  3. Postural affectations.
  4. Psoas as a muscle linked to the mobility of the spine.
Workshop 4 “Lordosis, scoliosis and kyphosis”
  1. Definition of lordosis, scoliosis and kyphosis.
  2. Contraindications for lordosis, scoliosis and kyphosis.
  3. Movements of the cervical spine.
  4. Cervical hyper lordosis, dorsal hyper kyphosis and lumbar hyper lordosis.
  5. Hernias and disc protrusion.
Workshop 5 “Postural correction and hygiene of the spine”
  1. The importance of the postural technique.
  2. Effects of stretching on breathing.
  3. Importance of circulation and breathing.
  4. The importance of body hygiene.
Workshop 6 “Feeding for the strengthening of the spine”
  1. 1. Knowledge of the importance of the spine in daily life.
  2. 2. Foods to strengthen the spine.

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